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Tag: keeper

Jul 23, 2024

Some VIP tiny animals are being closely monitored and cared for by Northwest Trek Wildlife Park zookeepers Chelsea and Kameron. Their charges started out looking like a gooey cluster of chia seeds when they arrived from Grant County earlier this spring. Soon, those tiny black “seeds” sprouted pointy dorsal fin tails, and their little bodies morphed into plump ovals with small eyes. They were hungry, mobile, and thriving in large black aquatic tanks carefully managed by Chelsea and Kameron. If everything goes smoothly, these little ones will grow into northern leopard frogs and be released back to Grant County later …

Jun 13, 2024

A group of us climbs into the open-air green Jeep at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville. We know the Keeper Adventure Tour will be memorable, and we are eager to go off-road and get up close with the bison, elk, mountain goats, and other free-roaming animals. “Hi, I’m Sunni and will be your tour guide,” says the enthusiastic keeper. “All the animals you’ll see today can be found in Washington and the Pacific Northwest, which is super cool.” When Sunni is not guiding Keeper Adventure Tours, she cares for the animals that call the 435-acre Free-Roaming Area of the …

Dec 12, 2023

On a recent December afternoon, Northwest Trek Wildlife Park staff members spent time doing what might look like arts and crafts to an outsider. But to the keepers and animals, those arts and crafts are an essential part of the everyday life of the animals; it’s enrichment. Enrichment items are things like food, smells, or toys that enhance the health and well-being of the animals in our care. Using these items in combination with knowledge of species’ natural history and behaviors, animal keepers can provide unique experiences that enhance the animal’s overall welfare. During Northwest Trek’s annual Winter Wildland, running …

Jul 20, 2023

To train any animal, you need their trust! A blood draw can be one of the most challenging behaviors – especially for a 478-pound bear – and one that has taken keeper Haley and black bear Benton nearly two months to achieve. When animals participate in their own healthcare, everyone wins! Watch as carnivore keeper Haley patiently works with 15-year-old Benton behind the scenes on blood draw training with a blunt syringe as a training device. Benton carefully presents his massive paw through a bear paw-sized opening in the training space as Haley coaches him and then uses tasty honey …

Jul 16, 2023

National Zookeeper Week takes place July 18-24 this year. The week is devoted to sharing the passion and dedication of keepers. Our zookeepers are a dedicated group of people who work tirelessly each day to provide the animals with the best care possible. Rain or shine, keepers must be ready for anything 365 days a year. They are involved in the lives of the animals they care for often from birth to death and every moment in between, creating lifelong bonds. Whether it’s rearranging an animal’s “furniture” in their habitat to keep them new, fresh, and exciting, helping with medical …

May 09, 2023

Did you know skunks are seen often in Washington state? If you haven’t spotted one yet, you’ll soon be able to see one at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park! Coming to us from Smithsonian’s National Zoo, Sundew is a male striped skunk. He’s a year old and adjusting well to his new home. Already showing us his playful personality, Sundew loves strawberries and carrots. But he’s been known to leave his veggies for last. After a short-term quarantine, our veterinary staff brought Sundew into the health clinic for his wellness exam. During his exam, Sundew had routine blood work done to …

Jul 13, 2022

This Zookeeper Week, we shadowed Amanda, a zookeeper at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. Amanda works with the black bears, grizzly bears, cougar, lynx, bobcats, foxes, and gray wolves.  We asked her about her experiences in zookeeping and what working with animals and wildlife means to her. Q: What is your favorite part of the job? A: I love providing enrichment to the animals and watching them express their natural behaviors. For example: I will put an antler up in a tree in Carly the cougar’s habitat to encourage her  to  climb and explore. Q: What is your favorite animal at …

Jul 13, 2022

This Zookeeper Week, we shadowed Jordan, a zookeeper at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. Jordan works with all the animals in the 435-acre Free-Roaming Area, including nearly 90 bison, mountain goats, elk, swans, caribou, and bighorn sheep and dozens of black-tailed deer.  We asked him about his experiences in zookeeping and what working with animals and wildlife means to him. Q: What is your favorite part of the job? A: I love how different every day can be. If an animal is behaving abnormally or needs a medical procedure, it can change my whole routine. I also enjoy the solitude and …

Jul 08, 2022

This Zookeeper Week, we shadowed Hannah and Armando, two zookeepers at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. Hannah and Armando are raising 260 endangered Northern leopard frogs from egg to froglet stage, until they can be released back into the Washington wild to boost the native population. Due to habitat loss, disease, pollution, climate change and invasive predators like bullfrogs, Northern leopard frogs are close to extinct in Washington and Oregon. Now, there’s just one place in Washington where they’re found: the Potholes Reservoir in the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area. Later this summer, the frogs will leave Northwest Trek and be released …

Jul 08, 2022

This Zookeeper Week, we shadowed Becky, a zookeeper at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. Becky works with all of the animals in the Cheney Discovery Center, Forest & Wetlands area, and all of the birds in the wildlife park, but is the primary trainer for raccoons McKenna and McChord, badgers Lavender and Poppy, bald eagles Cheveyo and Sequoia, and Tolmie the porcupine. We asked her about her experiences in zookeeping and what working with animals and wildlife means to her. Q: What is your favorite part of the job? A: I love working with species that are native to the Pacific …